Award-winning designs with Arch Angels

Nicola Thomas & Richard Zinzan of ARCH-angels Architects look forward creating more ‘forever homes’ in 2014
Regular readers of ARCH-angels Architects’ (AaA) column in Latest Homes may already know them, but for those who don’t, the company, founded by Nicola Thomas and Richard Zinzan in 2009, are passionately committed to providing cost-effective, creative, low energy buildings.
A welcoming, friendly practice, AaA focuses on a holistic, people-centric approach with the team placing the client at the very centre of each design to craft unique, beautiful buildings that are in harmony with their environment whilst meeting their clients’ individual requirements.
Based in Brighton, the company has experienced year on year growth since its launch four years ago through a very difficult economic climate. As mentioned in their last column, AaA were nominated for two Sussex Business Awards: Entrepreneur of the Year and Small Business of the Year. To their joy and honour, they took the title of 2013’s Small Business of the Year at the recent Sussex Business Awards hosted at the Corn Exchange.
“Despite our success, ARCH-angels dispel the myth that successful businesses must be ruthless,” says Richard. “The team is a close knit one, and this is backed up by our investment in staff development. Our commitment to our customers extends to the support and continual enrichment of the whole of the team. Each member of staff is encouraged to attend training for both personal and business development. The practice promotes flexible part-time working and job sharing; understanding the demands of working parents resulting in a very committed experienced team who are able to flourish in their work because there is a balance with their home life.”
In the four years since the business’ inception, ARCH-angels have weathered some of the worst economic lows in living memory. At points it was challenging, but the balance sheet and expansion of the team both show consistent growth, even throughout the recession.
“Educating people on the benefits to low energy architecture has allowed us to flourish in a competitive marketplace with creative and resourceful design, we have encouraged it as an affordable option,” says Nicola. She is also keen to point out that the company’s eco-friendly approach is not a business decision but an ideological one: she stresses that the building process and the premises that result from it have an enormous impact on the environment, and that they have a responsibility to make this influence as positive as possible.
AaA prides itself on this open, flexible approach towards clients, employees, and suppliers; building lasting relationships on all levels. The practice fosters an ethos of collaboration and sustainability, not just environmental but in its wider sense of social and economic responsibility. “We are part of the Architect in the House scheme which supports Shelter,” Richard says. “We take part in the local Eco Technology Show and the annual RIBA Threshold event. I am a mentor on the undergraduate course at Brighton University School of Architecture and actively support work experience programmes with secondary school pupils.”
Through this holistic and widely beneficial approach, ARCH-angels hope to continue to grow their business, and with new sister company ZSTa, the practice has diversified into the high end luxury residential, education, commercial and leisure sectors.
“We may be architects, but we’re homeowners with families ourselves, so we truly understand how important it is to craft people’s dream home”
As economic recovery takes hold, clients – including that 50 per cent that come to ARCH-angels based on glowing recommendations from their friends and colleagues – are investing in improving their properties for better hopes on the housing market. “Many people are finding that, for what it would cost in an increased mortgage, fees and costs to move, they could turn their existing property into the home they’ve always dreamed of. We are confident when it comes to crafting people’s dream houses… their ‘forever’ homes,” says Nicola. “We may be architects, but we’re homeowners with families ourselves so we truly understand how important this process is, and how crucial it is that they have the experience and results they want from it. For many, this may be the largest lump sum they ever spend, and we make sure they are confident that they have made the right decision in spending it with us.”
It’s not a responsibility ARCH-angels take lightly.
This approach can be seen demonstrated in the project featured on the front cover; a recently finished transformation of a house in Brighton. New projects on the ‘drawing board’ for 2014 include two new build houses in Surrey, one new build house in Fulking along with some large refurbishments and extensions. It looks set to be another exciting and busy year. They are never too busy to chat about your particular project though, so please give them a call today.
Richard Zinzan and Nicola Thomas are founders of ARCH-angels Architects in Brighton, an approachable local practice specialising in environmentally conscious, cost-effective architecture. They work closely with you to maximise your space and provide beautiful integrated buildings.
01273 267184
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