City & Colour

There is always a buzz around City & Colour, months before they are due to play the Brighton Dome there is a scurry for tickets. Right at the heart of C&C is Dallas Green, males and females swoon over him in equal measures. He not only has a voice that could make angels cry he knows his way around a guitar. Despite not being a man of many words on stage the heartbreaking depths of his songs speak for themselves. Even with a full band behind him Dallas still maintains the intimacy of an acoustic show, even though the Brighton Dome was sold out. With a mixture of new songs and old the audience were attentive to the most recent, and the more familiar ones were greeted with a cheer and a respectable sing along. Safe to say Brighton gave him the warmest of welcomes.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 4 February 2014


Rachel Simm

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