Behind the scenes of Latest TV with Richard Shayler

Bags and booze

Oh, what a lovely purse you have! Fancy a whiskey? Give us a kiss!! Now normally, dear readers, this would be a chatup line I use, and it has been incredibly unsuccessful. But in the TV blog world, dreadful chatup lines are allowed. Mainly to indicate what we’ve been up to during the week, but if there is anyone out there who went weak at the knees, get in touch.

Handbags are a very forthcoming vice of mine. I just can’t get enough of those buckles and straps, and don’t even get me started on polka dot or gingham stichwork! Just the thought of them has put me into a blissful state ofeuphoria…mmmm… handbags…

OK, back in the room! Lynn Ruth Miller also has a similar vice, which is why we went down to meet Alistair at his lovely shop: Brand New Bag. It’s nestled in Upper North Street and is a real treat for bag lovers like Lynn and I. Alistair makes all the bags himself and Lynn had a go at making a purse, which went missing after the shoot. It wasn’t me though dear readers…

that’s not my bag baby. Ok, ok! It was me, I confess! Lynn I’m sorry, you’re not having it back though – it’s just too lovely! Whiskey is also lovely, especially if you have a cold! Lynn and I went to learn all about them at The Brighton Beer Dispensary. We learnt about Scottish ones, American ones and Japanese ones. I would love to tell you more dear readers but it’s all a bit of a haze – I think we got enough footage? Apart from taking away a wealth of knowledge about whiskeys we also took away a hefty headache and quite a hefty bar tab too. The bosses are seriously regretting giving me that company credit card…

I made up for it though guys – made up for it with kisses! And we all know they are free… Lynn and I went to meet Bruce Williams who is the brilliant artist behind The Brighton Kissing Wall. It’s located on the seafront near to the doughnut. A lovely piece of art that depicts lots of different types of couples kissing. It’s an oblong shape with the couples’ heads spaced evenly, one on top of the other. The art is created through lots of small dots. When light passes through it, the images then reveal themselves.

It is very beautiful. So beautiful that Lynn and I just couldn’t control ourselves and we were kissing each other like crazy.

We’re going again next week! Can’t wait! Maybe see some of you lot there too…

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