Stiff Little Fingers

Stiff Little Fingers are a galvanising force. Hailing from Belfast in Northern Ireland, they brought their (enduring, untempered) Irish charm to Concorde2 for a rip-roaring remembrance of punk rock anthems past. Going strong since 1977, the diversity of the crowd was testament to the popularity of the band across genres, and across generations.

The band looked dapper, and sported nothing of the tired facade that sometimes comes part and parcel with bands that’ve been playing together for so long. These guys are punk rock family. Sing-along favourites turned the crowd into a sea of celebratory air punches and airborne empty plastic cups; even the sweaty-backed, beer-spilling punk veteran types in the crowd were forgiven for quite clearly having the time of their lives.

Concorde2, 1 August 2014


Louise Bevan

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