Bored Gamers: we’ve got issues

Greg Marshall on panic, peace, and cyclical natures

Today we shall be considering the notions of blind panic and last minute reprieve. As night surely follows day, there is often that long awaited and mightily deserved exhale as one realises they have solved what seemed like the impossible task that was facing them only a short while before. Of course, a few days back, such a moment of inner peace seemed a distant pipe dream as I rushed around frantically trying to a solve my triumvirate of issues.

Now I should clarify, as I am in a position to speak to a larger mass of people via television and print, that my issues pale into comparison compared to the larger issues facing global society today. For example, my guest cancellation was not on the same scale as third world poverty and hunger, yet as all things are subjective, had you suggested this a few days back I would have started swinging for you.

I rushed around trying to solve my triumvirate of issues

On top of a guest cancellation, I had the lack of costume for our Sci-fi special and a complete lack of idea as for what to write about in this column. As the days and then hours until filming dwindled, my brow and general demeanour furrowed. Having exhausted a list of developer and celebrity friends, Jim and I briefly considered the two options of having no guest at all for the first time since the show started, or asking the television equivalent of Joe Bloggs from the street.

The first of the issues was resolved in an abstract but satisfying way when I discovered the card of a games developer that had been given to me by a third party, randomly. One email later and we had a guest of excellent calibre booked, without having to sacrifice the usual standard of guests or our journalistic integrity.
The costume conundrum was solved in no small part by the gracious help of the excellent staff at Revamp fancy dress in Brighton. Their willingness to bend over backwards helping us find the ideal costume was amazing and at this point most welcome! This left only the article to consider, and it is once again in a strange cyclical nature that the original issue tends to lend the solution as I prattle on about the very reason I had nothing to write.

And only a full week after the deadline. Now to ease the panic of Latest 7’s Editor – sorry, Louise!
Bored Gamers is an hour-long weekly show on all things gaming.

Tune in to see it on Latest TV at 9pm every Friday night.

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