Bored Gamers: Affectionate reflections

Jim Devereaux: the appeal of gaming reigns supreme

Well, this is it. Like so many before it, 2014 has flashed by, and with it came so many exciting experiences in the world of gaming they would be too numerous to count in this short article.
I feel very privileged to have had a unique platform to share my experiences with you via this article, our website and of course, the Bored Gamers TV show over these past four months.

If this time has taught me anything it’s that no matter how hard you try, you simply cannot do justice to even half the number of amazing games that come our way each year – even if it’s your full-time job!
That’s not to say I haven’t tried, and although it’s unfortunate to have missed out on playing a lot of them, it doesn’t mean that any of the wonderful titles I have barely dipped my toe into are going anywhere anytime soon.

Just one year ago, there were far too many doom-sayers circling like sharks around what was perceived as a dying industry. The traditional platforms and types of games were obsolete, we were told, with bite-size one-trick-pony mobile games like Candy Crush Saga and Angry Birds here as the new Super Mario and Call of Duty. Not a bit of it.

The industry is positively booming, with record breaking sales on all platforms and devices proving that, contrary to a lot of so-called wisdom, the appeal of gaming is actually broadening ever further; from the casual player flicking birds on their phone while taking the bus home, to the hardcore CoD devotee mercilessly destroying opponents online via their custom gaming rig for eight hours every day – we’re all getting our game on in highly individual ways, and in greater numbers, than ever before.
Nowhere has this been more obvious to me than the time I have spent filming at the Latest TV studio every Thursday morning. Whether it’s the wonderful crew behind the scenes who make the program happen, our special guests who have come from all walks of life and even the random people you meet frequently coming in and out of the building on all types of business. They’ve all had games to debate, enthuse with us and have strong opinions about.

It makes me feel all the more privileged, and proud, to call myself a gamer. Come and get us 2015, we’re ready to play …
Bored Gamers is an hour-long weekly show on all things gaming. Tune in to Latest TV at 9pm every Friday night.

Follow us: @boredgamersuk

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