Richard Shayler: Feeling parched

Richard Shayler: Dry January, what’s that all about?
“OK so that’s two pints, a gin and tonic and a vodka cranberry. Clare, what were you having again? Soda water?” I found this a strange and unimaginative choice from my normally alcohol-driven friend. She saw my look of confusion and bewilderment and quickly followed her order up with “I’m doing dry January!”
I walked to the bar even more bewildered. All manner of thoughts were rushing through my head. Is Clare not washing for the whole of January?! Maybe she’s just not washing her hands. Is she immediately drying her dishes with a tea towel? Or maybe she’s challenging herself to remain deadpan, displaying little to no emotion on all subjects throughout the month.
The barmaid saw my look of disorientation and came to my aid when I explained the situation. Clare wasn’t drinking for the whole of January! It all made so much more sense. The soda water. The jumpiness. The scratching, and of course, the anxiousness. I presumed that was due to her not washing.
I smugly walked back over and gave everyone the drinks. I took Clare by the hand, looked her dead in the eye and simply said; “I know. Shhhh, shh, don’t worry I know. And I thought you just weren’t washing. We’re all really proud.” She looked back, paused and replied; “Thank you.” It was a beautiful moment. We went out the next night too and Clare had to be taken home, she was so drunk.
Ah well, at least she had a good time! Just like Brighton Lights! We’re always having a great time with no restrictions or barriers.
This week we’ve got David Streeter from telling us how he can make your party seem like The Oscars. Amy and Ruth Anslow from Brighton’s newest independent supermarket, Hisbe, popped in to talk all things food and drink. Amisha, a fashion writer, told us how to dress and the author of It’s A Dog’s Life, Steven Ankers, told us stories about vets and animals. Music this week comes from the Italian legend that is Giovanni! His voice is as delicious as his freshly baked bread.
It’s safe to say it’s a jam-packed week, with shows broadcast Wednesday to Saturday at 7pm on Freeview channel 8, Virgin Media channel 159 and live online at If you ever want to be in the audience, get yourself down to the Latest Music Bar for 6.30pm. A night full of free entertainment, and the bar is open throughout! Remember your umbrellas though. It’s a bit wet … you’ll want to keep dry, right?
Follow me: @latestrichard