Now & Then: Andy Garth, Brighton & Hove Stuff

Words and Pictures

As with a lot of shops at this time of year, you can get some quiet times, and this is when I rubber-finger up and scan my old newspapers to find the bygone headlines to see if…


A. Anything exciting happened in the old days
B. What has changed in our City

Well… The answer is:

A. Same old same old. As can be seen by the Travellers (or, as they were called, Car Campers) report from 1960 offering a site for them at Sheepcote.
There was also murder, drugs and speeding in the same week, but it goes to show Nimbyism rules okay!

B. Nothing… apart from the descriptive word used for what we now call Rogue Landlords.

I had to look up the word ‘Rapacious’ as it’s not a regular part of my limited vocabulary and amusingly the first example for its use does actually have the word ‘Landlord’ after it, so the other synonyms are also landlordesque. ‘Grasping’, ‘greedy’ and ‘extortionate’ to name but a few!

“I had to look up the word ‘Rapacious’ as its not a regular part of my limited vocabulary”


The only problem with this headline and news piece was, again, the council’s inability to agree on how to deal with the problem came to nothing.

And there you have it. Nothing changes and probably won’t until issues are talked about with all parties concerned in a common sense way, leaving political arguments at Westminster and doing what’s best for Brighton and Hove nowadays – not constantly bickering about who is right or wrong and ending up with no useful outcome.
28 Western Road, Hove

One Response

  1. Geoff Wells says:

    Please bring Back the Robert Nemeth reports and the Landlady, they were the most interesting reads in the Latest Magazine publication!
    Geoff Wells

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