City Planner: Derailed by a train! Samer Bagaeen MRTPI FRICS

I think that we all have had enough by now. By ‘all’ I mean the commuting public, who do not care anymore whether Southern or Govia are at fault, or whether the RMT have gone beyond their mandate to look after their members to causing a lasting physical and psychological impact on the health and lives of those people spending an average of four hours a day on the trains.
This is why I find it surprising that university staff and students at Sussex have signed a petition supporting the RMT. While we may agree with the principle of their quarrel with the rail company, the impacts have now gone beyond their membership and I would not be surprised if someone took the RMT to court for the psychological damage and marital break ups heaped on the innocent members of the public.
Gatwick Airport could sue RMT for damage the strikes have caused the airport’s campaign
A case can be made against the RMT for the single mindedness of the strikes that are set to cause maximum disruption to people and events. The Lewes Bonfire Societies could also take the RMT to court for ruining their bonfire night. Lewes will after all be without a train service for most of 5th November, when thousands of visitors pour in to the town to watch the country’s biggest Guy Fawkes Night celebrations.
Gatwick Airport could also sue for damage the strikes have caused the airport’s campaign to have the second runway. All the newspaper headlines about strikes, delays, cancellations and angry passengers must have had an impact on the Government’s decision to award the new runway to Heathrow. No one could have anticipated that the best laid plans would be derailed by trains!, @samerbagaeen