British Airways i360: Veterans and serving military personnel attend a Special Armistice Day flight

On Friday November 11th we held a special Armistice Day flight onboard British Airways i360. As the time struck 11am, while the pod was at the top of the tower, the Last Post was played and then Glynn Jones, chairman of the West Pier Trust read the Exhortation before we observed a two-minute silence.
We were joined on the flight by veterans and serving military personnel from the Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal Association, the Parachute Regiment and the Royal Naval Reserves, who were wearing their uniforms and medals.
It was a beautiful day and the atmosphere was reflective. One veteran said as he looked out to sea, that he was reminded about all the people in World War Two who crossed those seas to protect our freedom and didn’t come back. I remembered my grandfathers who both fought in WW2: one in the British Army and the other in the Canadian navy.
It was a beautiful day and the atmosphere was reflective
On Friday and Saturday evenings, poppies were projected onto the British Airways i360 tower.

The words of the Exhortation are very moving:
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.”
Photo credits: Kevin Meredith
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