Cutter and Grinder: The Cutting Edge


Razor sharp styling at Cutter & Grinder Latest 7’s Andrew Kay went along for a spot of tonsorial titivation

I was 22 years old the first time I went to a professional hairdresser. I know it sounds unlikely but as a small child my father, who had cut hair under orders whilst doing his National Service, had always trimmed my unruly curls. Then, in my teens, I did what all teenage boys did in the late 1960s and grew it long. At 17 my art teacher cropped it all off, he asked and I said yes, I cannot remember why but I went from looking like a Marc Bolan to looking more like Diana Ross, an interesting transition.

It was only after leaving art school that I ventured into a professional hairdressers and how I wished I had done it sooner. All those years missing out on that strangely intimate experience that can only be gained when putting your hair into the hands of someone you trust. Well the trust only comes on the completion of that cut but I was hooked on the whole thing and have been since.

Now I not only enjoy going for a cut but also for a wet shave too, and I’m not averse or ashamed of indulging in a little pampering too. But this time I needed a change, a big change from my rather long, wild and latterly unmanageable curls to something altogether sharper and easier to deal with.


I had spotted Cutter & Grinder and had even popped in to buy some seriously strong hair dressing. I loved the place, it’s almost museum like inside, the walls lined with tonsorial clutter and ephemera and there are two of the finest looking barbers’ chairs I have ever seen. I made an appointment, early morning, to have my hair cut by owner Hossein. Hossein has that sharp contemporary look, the large groomed beard and sharp lined classic haircut that is timeless but bang on point when it comes to fashion.

A rather impressive new look, sharp, clean lined and stylish

I knew that it would be less easy for him to give me exactly that as my hair is very thin (bald) on top now and of course he would have those curls to deal with. First off he complemented me on the ‘tache, hairdressers usually do as, even if I say it myself, it is a fine specimen. He then complemented me on the whiteness of my hair, it is now my natural colour, then after playing with it for some time he set about the cut. How short did I want it? I really wanted a difference so I said short. Out came the scissors and off he set, cutting my hair dry. This he explained helped him to see how it was shaping up. “That would be the curls then?” “Yes” he replied explaining that cutting curly hair was rather like topiary! I’ve often thought the same.

The long white curls fell to the floor until it looked like a fleece, but in the mirror I could very soon see that what was left was taking on a rather impressive new look, sharp, clean lined and stylish. He gave my ‘tache a much needed trim too, a job that I find rather difficult to do myself, and after brushing me down and adding a spot of pommade I was done.

As important as it was for me to look good I desperately need a cut that was more manageable. This Hossein has achieved, and he has reduced my pommade bill by at least 90%!

The whole thing was great and that is what I would like to really emphasise, go and make the most of the experience. This is no clipper bashing in-and-out job, far from it, Hossein and his team take their time making you feel valued, finding out what you really want and giving great advice. Next time I will go the whole way and have a shave too. Oh yes, I almost forgot, he also sharpens knives so I will take some along and avail myself of that service too. All in all an ideal place for a food loving, hair cut and shave fan like me!

Cutter & Grinder: Gentlemen’s Grooming Salon
110c Western Road, Norfolk Square, Brighton, BN1 2AA
Open Mon/Tues 9am-6pm, Thurs 9am-7.30pm, Fri 9am-6pm & Sat 8am-5pm, 01273 730333,

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