Andy Garth: Two proper boozers

It is often quoted and is actually true, that you could drink in a different pub every day of the year and some, and with this in mind I found two great photos from the 1930s of two proper boozers.
The first was The Vulcan in Edward St on the corner of Grosvenor Street, a very local pub in an area that was demolished in the ‘30s as being Brighton’s slums… now I’ve had people in their eighties who as kids were bought up around this area and will fight tooth and nail to dispel that label.
They tell me that the houses they lived in were not slums, they were cleaned and house proud family’s lookd after them… but they were substandard with regards to the facilities and amenities available to them, so it was deemed more economic to knock them down rather than repair.
The area that was demolished was known as Brighton’s slums
Anyway, if you look closely you can see the Vulcan was boarded up ready to be flattened.
The second picture is of a wine merchants with the great name of Lovibonds with the Norfolk Arms next door but one, situated on the corner of Grand Parade and Carlton Hill. These were also knocked down in the 1930s, but this time replaced by another pub which until the 1990s was still known as the Norfolk Arms and after a few dodgy name changes is now the bustling BrewDog.
Hope these pictures are of interest and if anyone would like copies please email me at or pop in the shop at 28 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1AF