Interview: Josie Long

One of the sharpest and kindest comedians out there – Josie Long talks to Victoria Nangle about President Trump, reality television, and The Arts Emergency Service ahead of Sunday’s show
Hi Josie, how are you today?
Hi Vicky, I’m great thanks, nice to speak to you again.
2016 has been chock-a-block full of shocks. What would you like to predict for 2017 – nationally, internationally and personally?
Nationally I predict that culottes will come in. Internationally, I predict that Donald Trump will be impeached. Personally I predict that I will be the cause of both of these things. I should warn you that I thought Ed Miliband would win in 2015, Brexit wouldn’t happen and Bernie Sanders would be president, so this might not be super reliable.
Is there any chance of more of your Radio 4 series Romance And Adventure?
I would absolutely dream of writing another series but we weren’t recommissioned so we are trying to find a way to make it happen. It was the coolest experience of my life to work with Clare Grogan.
You had a bit of a foray into reality television this year. Would you ever go on another reality show, and if so which one?
Ha! I am not sure I would. I wanted to do ‘The Island’ because I love watching the show and I wanted to do something to support Stand Up To Cancer too. Bloody hell it was a strange, gruelling experience! The only other reality shows I really love to watch are ‘First Dates’ and ‘Bake Off’, and I’ve got a boyfriend and I’m a shit baker so those aren’t on the cards.
Nationally I predict that culottes will come in. Internationally, I predict that Donald Trump will be impeached.
Your shows are always a delight of optimism mixed with integrity. What do you do when your positivity gets a knock in the world?
Thank you! I think it’s important to take some time out to be kind to yourself when you’re feeling low, nobody is Magic and you can’t be positive all of the time. But what always cheers my heart is knowing that even when I am a quivering wreck, there are other people who for whatever reason have fire in their belly and feel charged up to be positive and kind. I also like spending time with my niece, who’s nearly three – because she’s so silly and lovely I feel like the world is a wonderful place again. Plus she laughs if you put a hat on and then take it off, so she’s an easy comedy audience.
Quick-fire, in honour of the title of your show – can you think of something better than…
Donald Trump
Everything else that exists otherwise.
Homemade banana bread
Gluten free, sugar free home made banana bread (I am tedious).
Hugging a rabbit
Two rabbits in a band together.
The band The Spook School.
Everyone who voted Brexit moaning for the rest of their lives because they set the country on fire for no reason and now they have to deal with the consequences. (I’m worried that sounds bitter.)
The Arts Emergency Service
(that you run with Neil Griffiths) is an incredible idea to offer support in lots of ways to those wanting to pursue the arts but unable to pay for it. How can other people get involved to help?
We would love people to be involved in any capacity they have, from donating, to joining our network of people on-call to provide help and advice, to training to be a mentor to part-time volunteering in our London office. Go to our website to get involved! Thanks!
What do you find the most rewarding about being involved with The Arts Emergency Service?
Meeting young people and getting to speak to them about their plans, ambitions and creative work. They are always so smart, energetic and inspiring that I feel excited about the future.
What is your go-to book that you love to give to people you like, and why?
At the moment it’s ‘Hope In The Dark’ by Rebecca Splint. It’s so wise, calm and reassuring about how to keep going in dark times. It reminds me that there is always plenty going on to be proud of, excited by and involved with, so take courage!
Josie Long – Something Better,
Concert Hall, Brighton Dome,
Saturday 11 February 2017,
8pm, £15/13