Andy Garth: Photo albums

I can guarantee that there are many of you out there that visit their mums or older relatives. And if you haven’t seen them for a while the “when you were little” photo album comes out, either from the bookcase or the bottom of the sideboard (not sure what the modern word for this classic drawing room piece of furniture is, but the “Swedish ones’” word will be unpronounceable and the major reason for sometimes buying the wrong item!).
This week I have taken some photos of photo albums I bought with some other bits at an auction. I felt a bit sad when looking through them as they are great pieces of someone’s personal family life that no one wants to keep, look after or feel some sort of attachment too.

Felt a bit sad when looking through them as they are great pieces of someone’s personal family life that no one wants to keep
The photos in these albums range from the 1920s to the late 1930s with glimpses into people’s lives, including beach visits, relative visits and other social and pleasure activities. They make the photos tell a story of how simple and easy life seemed to be before the war.
So, if your gran or mum or anybody you know keeps their photos close for regular viewing, please please don’t let them disappear. Copy them or scan them – don’t bin them.
I will return in a lighter vein next week.
We are still amazed of the amount “stuff” that people have or find and put into our sales, so if you have anything you think might be of interest email me or pop into the shop at 28 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1AF