Latest Bill: New generation, new life, new world

Brighton is a fabulous world class cosmopolitan city and we have so many visitors from abroad. At Latest TV we have a language school student from Belgium currently working with us and I asked her to tell me a little about her life and what she thinks of Brighton. Here is what she wrote….
“Hey Bill, my name is Linh. I originally come from Vietnam. My mother surely went: ‘Why wouldn’t I give birth on Christmas Eve in a hospital in Vietnam?’. So, here I am. But from the age of just one month old, I was brought up in Belgium with my brother. And from then on, one thing is certain, my lifestyle would not have been the same.
“I am pleased to be a Belgian girl, though I wonder sometimes, how my lifestyle would have been if I had not been brought up in Belgium. We all come from different ways, we all have different cultures, we are all different but after all, we are all humans.
Beyond being able to use our smartphones really well, we have thoughts
“And what keeps us strong is that, we are able to share those different customs and habits. Who knows what would occur next? We have to try to get the best thing from our life. Everything can happen. Everything changes. In a few years, we are probably going to end up surrounded by robots and spaceships.

“I am among those teenagers in this new generation and beyond being able to use our smartphones really well, we have thoughts. Nowadays, apart from discussing about Brexit, the new one pound coin or even Trump orange face, one thing which really affects me are the attacks. We are so vulnerable, more soldiers and more police officers just gives us an image that makes us feel more protected which, in my opinion, is not efficient.
“We must carry on living but, for sure, be more careful. That is a reason why we should enjoy every moment the most we can as well. And so, I am really glad and grateful for being able to travel and discover that beautiful and open-minded city which is Brighton. I visited quite a lot of beautiful places but I fell in love with Brighton because of that diversity and melting pot it has. Although, the seaside and the Pier are not nasty at all!”