Five Short Blasts

Whilst not in the original location, for whatever reason, this was no less engaging. The core of my experience, and one must accept that this kind of work will be about each individual’s personal experience, was engaging with the sea. The power of the water, the beauty of it and the fear are all expressed through the words of real people who for a variety of reasons are drawn to the sea, and clearly they do feel an amazing affinity with the water. My journey took place on choppy water with a light breeze but brilliant sunshine. I felt powerless, I felt fear and I felt a strange sense of oneness and calm too. As a local, and with knowledge of Shoreham, I did not worry about the displacement and let the whole experiential work wash over me, sitting in silence as the craft dipped and rose with each wave, the sea spray hitting my face and the darkness beneath the waves becoming at times ominous and at others welcoming, tempting even, begging you to jump in and feel that power overtake you. I also felt no real compulsion to look back to land and to the city but focused on looking out at the waves and beyond, drawn, like the voices, to the sea that they love and fear and respect.

Brighton Festival

13 May

Andrew Kay

Rating: ★★★★☆

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