The Effect

Delving into the inner workings of clinical trials and taking a closer look at depression, anxiety and raw human emotions. It makes you wonder if we are all controlled by the mercenary world of pharmaceutical monoliths. The Effect is hugely thought provoking, can two people on a clinical trial truly fall in love with each other whilst on mood altering chemicals?

The production started lightheartedly with a man and a woman enjoying their time together in a drugged-up state and getting up to mischief in the hospital. It slowly took a dark turn. Their psychiatrist is unwittingly becoming part of the trial as the ‘powers that be’ push everyone’s mental stability to the brink of no return. The Effect is highly relevant to the world we live in on many levels. The small cast delivered an utterly captivating performance which has unexpected plot twists and a rather shocking ending.

Brighton Little Theatre, 30 May 2017


Rachel Simm

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