Katy Brand – I Was a Teenage Christian
Katy Brand meandered through recent moments of reflection, via her surprising teenage years as a crusading Christian, frequent embarrassing life moments and her time as a ‘go to celebrity death’ correspondent on Sky news. Katy’s approachable and sweet demeanour allowed her to talk with passion about how proud she was then and how funny it all seems now.
The show threw up funny moments from her time preaching in school and at local shopping centres (aka Christian Spice) to advice from the infamous Reverend Rory, witty metaphors from her Junior Bible and reference to entries in her year end leaving book. The show moved along at a slow but smooth pace, Katy’s politeness occasionally broken by her underlying sarcasm. Brand had an innate ability to engage the audience and tell a great story enabling her to deliver a fun show.
The Old Market, 24 June 2017
[rating: 3 stars]
Lesley Lawrence