Brighton Lights: What to do in the city – w/c 3rd October
Music, Entertainment & Comedy with Victoria Nangle

1 Relive the heady days of ‘The Second Coming’ with Total Stone Roses – a solid tribute covering firm favourites like ‘She Bangs The Drum’ and ‘Fools Gold’ with the vigour of youth in their performance and the awesome tunes of somebody else’s youth.
Concorde 2, Fri 6 October, 7.45pm, £13
2 Mixing humour and poignancy with a masterful balance, writer, producer, performer and all round talent Henry Normal launches his new poetry collection ‘Raining Upwards’. With his previous poetry book becoming a hit on BBC Radio 4, tonight’s treats are a fresh crop, with the added bonus of all proceeds from the event going to local charity Amaze.
Komedia, Tuesday 3 October, 8pm, £8

3 A star of 1950s British stage and screen, Norman Wisdom was a legend in his own lifetime. Wisdom Of A Fool sees Jack Lane star in this loving reveal of the man and his epic slapstick talent – in Wisdom’s own Gump costume kindly loaned. A treat.
Devonshire Park Theatre, Eastbourne, Fri 6 (7.45pm) & Sat 7 (2.30pm) October, £19.50
4 Hot on the heels of Eddie Izzard’s recent book tour of memoirs comes Matt Lucas, with his own heart-warming and tear-jerking tome ‘Little Me: My Life From A–Z’. The Little Britain and Shooting Stars star will be reading extracts from his writings, which have been written alphabetically (B is for Bald). Ticket includes a voucher for purchase of the book for £13.50 (RRP £20).
Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, Friday 6 October, 8pm, £13.50

5 The ever-popular nouveau middle-class comedian Micky Flanagan follows up on his record-breaking ‘Back In The Game’ tour of 2013 with ‘An’ Another Fing’. So popular was the demand for tickets there’s even a return to the Brighton Centre for Flanagan in November with an extra date to the tour. Get yourself a Cinzano and lemonade and tuck your feet in for an ‘out out’ night with a consummate professional.
Brighton Centre, Tues 3 – Wed 4 October, 8pm, from £36.25
6 Here’s a real treat: acclaimed sketch duo Pajama Men are back in town (after a gap of far too long!) with their latest show Pterodactyl Nights. Mixing stand up, sketch, improv and surreal characters, Shenoah Allen and Mark Chavez are world-renowned for shows that are captivating, touching and very funny. Unique and surprising, a sweet delight – book tickets now to blow away any Autumnal blues.
The Old Market, Monday 9 October, 8pm, £15/12