Interview: Mark Thomas

Activist and comedian, author and award-winner, Guinness world record setter for the most political demonstrations in 24 hours, and holder of the Kurdish National Congress Medal of Honour. Mark Thomas is all this and more. He speaks with Victoria Nangle about his new show, heroes & villains, and Freddo Frog chocolate bars.
Hi Mark, I hope you’re doing well. How is today striking you?
Splendid, thank you.
The new show sounds very intriguing. You’re asking us to make outlandish predictions in ‘A Show That Gambles On The Future’ – what do you think is the most low key outlandish thing that has happened in recent times?
Trump silent on Nazis. You would have a long way to go to beat that as an outlandish event. One of the easiest things you have to do as US president is condemn Nazis, it is not a hard thing to do and it is in the job description alongside ‘don’t punch babies’ and ‘never say **** in a state of the union address’.
We do live in interesting times, and there are obviously big changes afoot. There seem to be a lot of ‘villains’ in the political landscape – who do you think the current ‘heroes’ might be and why?
If you’re looking for heroes, without doubt the firefighters at Grenfell.
Then young people for turning up to vote in the snap election.
Stephen Hawkins for being an all-round clever fella and calling out Hunt on the NHS.
The McDonalds strikers for calling and organising the first ever strike at McDonalds in the UK fight for £10 an hour.
I see loads of good people as an activist; loads. I met up with FGM survivors and campaigners this week – they are pretty ****ing amazing!
I was doing a fundraiser with my friend Colin the other day, he was on the team who pioneered the drugs that stops the body rejecting organ transplants… he is pretty ****ing amazing too.
As an activist you’ve fought against a lot of injustice, shedding light on the murkier things, they get embarrassed or even better prosecuted. Is there more to fight against now, or is it all just out in the light without pretense?
There is always work to be done.
Beware people who are so rich and powerful that they don’t need to bother with haircuts
Why do you think politicians seem happier to take posts leading the experts – declaring their ignorance – whilst ignoring those experts’ opinion? Or is that just an illusion from spin?
Ah, the Eton effect: ‘I went to Oxbridge, I’m born to rule so who the **** are you with your peer-reviewed scientific rigour researched-based factual analysis to come and challenge my shortly held beliefs that will advance my political career?’
I think that sums it up.
Always beware people who are so rich and powerful that they don’t need to bother with haircuts.
What are your predictions for the next 12 months?
Freddo Frog chocolate bars become an even more popular tool for measuring inflation and wage devaluation.
Tinned bitter to make a come-back.
May/DUP starts to lose the numbers through by-elections.
An election in two years.
UK/EU negotiations fail and UK applies to join Indian Empire.
What is your favourite prediction that you have heard?
‘While Trump is asleep, everyone in the White House will quietly leave.”
What sources do you trust?
Experts and journos like Rob Evans.
It’s really lovely to have you back in Hove again. Is there anything in particular that you associate with playing to an audience here?
Dreads, peace and love.
What newspaper headline would you most like to read tomorrow morning?
Boris death by bendy banana.
Mark Thomas: A Show That Gambles On The Future, The Old Market, Tuesday 21 November 2017, 7.30pm, £16/12,