Andy Garth on maps, maps and more maps

At one of my other day jobs a heavy discussion was taking place about the age of a client’s house. Now I don’t know much, but ages of houses in Brighton and Hove is one thing I have a clue about.
Apparently the house was built in 1827 so out came my trusted map collection, which meant a point could be proved and also meant the description on the details was correct and not full of waffle and piffle – that is sometimes seen these days.

The three maps shown here are from 1830, 1851 and 1875, so if you look to the right of each one you can just see the edge of Queens Park. In the space of 45 years it’s as if the whole area was a constant building site. In fact there was probably another 40 years of constant construction.
In the space of 45 years it’s as if the whole area was a constant building site
Our next Auction is in March and we have a good collection of local maps in the mix.

We are still taking entries but it’s filling very quickly, which again confirms the interest levels don’t seem to be waning in the desire to own some history of Brighton, Hove and Sussex.
So if you think you may have something, email me Or pop in the shop 28 Western Road Hove