From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads

A one person ode to the music of David Bowie conjures certain images in one’s mind: of hagiography, celebration, a jukebox musical for example. Writer/director Adrian Berry’s work however is more a dark delve into obsession: certainly celebratory – with an a cappella version of ‘Five Years’ beautifully evincing the unique voice and wild talent of Bowie – but also sad. The bleak final act was well earned, while a lively, heartbreaking karaoke scene was superbly drawn and brought to life by actor Alex Walton’s gallivanting vigour. The metal frames, costumed backdrop, video footage and audio ensured the show felt fleshed out and avoided the trappings of ‘angry-person-bemoaning-the-state-of-the-world-one-person-show-itis’. The bleak final act was well earned after a strong character was unravelled by Walton’s fiery performance and the show tread a fine line between funny, frenetic and harrowing.

The Old Market, 23 January 2018


Joe Fuller

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