Andy Garth: Stylish Headings

I know we are really trying to live in a paperless society and save some trees, but in the heady times of the early 20th century, if you had a business, however small, it seems that your headed paper was a fine advert for your wares (sorry to sound like a song from Oliver or My Fair Lady!) – as shown from the magnificent examples shown here.
Hanningtons were a very large establishment at the bottom of North Street, running round into East Street, and classed themselves as General Drapers or – to you and me – a clothes shop! They were used by Royalty, as they have a royal seal, which was a fine achievement for a local Brighton shop.
All bills were hand written beautifully.
Classed themselves as General Drapers or – to you and me – a clothes shop
The second photo shows an actual engraving of the business premises of a one shop trader at 84 London Road Brighton. I Farncombe were ironmongers and cutlers, and also dealt in water gas and electrical matters.
This bill is from 1905 and incredibly they had a very early phone number – Brighton 186.
The shop was demolished and on the site now is the Al Campo Lounge restaurant.
The final picture is for a fine art dealer in North Street and the heading really paints a picture (see what I did there?) and tells you what it does – and so as to complete the jigsaw, this shop became part of the Hanningtons site which was added to over the years.
Any more info needed on these please let me know