George Egg: DIY Chef

Having set the culinary score with his last show Anarchist Cook – in which he creatd a three-course meal using just the apparatus found in a hotel room – DIY Chef sees George Egg move out of the hostelry and into the shed for his cooking inspiration. What transpires is what weekend morning television really should be: an informative and entertaining host demonstrating delicious recipes in an ingenious manner.

Relocating the necessary tools and whatnot from his shed to the stage, Egg has the assured pressence of a veteran performer. It’s fascinating, as the power tools come out and are put to fresh use. Although not heavy with big laughs, Egg’s stories and patter keep it breezy and engaging from start to finish. An interesting, humorous and slightly ingenious show.

The Warren: The Hat, 24 May 2018


Victoria Nangle

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