Michael Clark Company – to a simple, rock ‘n’ roll. . . song
Michael Clarke’s audience cannot relax for a second in case they miss a single pulse of this sensuously musical celebration of Erik Satie’s 150th birthday. ‘Satie’s Studs’ and ‘Ogives Composite’ began with extended poses that almost painfully expressed Satie’s magisterial, sustained chords. The formal musical variations were ingeniously duplicated in hieratic posture and patterns.
‘Horse power’, set to dramatic music by Patti Smith, energised the audience even more.
After the interval, ‘my mother, my dog and CLOWNS’, set to powerful Bowie numbers, delivered the strongest impact. ‘The Jean Genie’ climax predictably brought the delighted capacity audience to a standing ovation.
Dome Concert Hall, 10 October 2018
Andrew Connal