Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra, Thomas Carroll (cello & conductor)
This delightful back-to-front programme began with Prokofiev’s Classical Symphony, a youthful homage to Papa Haydn, a full century before. Carroll’s light touch brought out the humour and charm of the score, generating all the fizz of a party atmosphere. This contrasted well with the romantic intensity of Mendelssohn’s Scottish Symphony.
In between, Carroll took up his cello to play Schumann’s lyrical and introspective Cello Concerto. Facing the audience, Carroll’s conducting was constrained to occasional gestures, waving of the bow and general bodily movements. He trusted the orchestra to take the lead from the emphases of his playing, which may have been less forceful if he had shared eye contact or was playing for another conductor. The audience loved his virtuosity.
Dome Concert Hall,
20 January 2019
Andrew Connal