Sultana Jiliana at The Verdict in March

World traveller, writer & bon viveur Jilliana Ranicar-Breese relaunches her popular literary salon at The Verdict this March
If you haven’t met Jilliana Ranicar-Breese then you are missing out on enjoying the company of one of Brighton’s real characters. Latest’s own Andrew Kay wrote this about her:
A Liverpool lass, Jilliana
Lives a life that is peppered with drama
Her vivid vignettes Are poetic Tourette’s
And for her it is never “mañana”!
AK has also read his own work at her salon and says; “The salon is a great night out and it’s a wonderful way of meeting and hearing other writers of both verse and prose. It’s fun, friendly and very entertaining and Jilliana has the ability to persuade some great voices to perform”.
For some time the Sultana Jilliana, as she is known to friends, has been running her own literary salon in Hove. But the recent closure of her host venue has forced a change. Such a forced change to a force of nature merely spurs them on and true to form Jilliana is back from her winter sojourn and ready to relaunch the salon at a new venue.
The word sojourn might suggest holiday but far from it. In recent months Jilliana has hosted and been guest at literary salons and events around the globe including New York and Tangier, and her own literary vignettes never fail to amuse and enchant her audiences, tales that reflect her extraordinary life, work and travels.
We asked her about her re-launch; “The theme will be ‘Homage to Liverpool’ with our lovely Mayor Councillor Alexandra Phillips, a Liver Bird like myself, who is also a ‘Liverpool Poets’ lover and will be at the helm on our launch night which is March the third. Other Scouse writers featured will be the poets Naomi Foyle, AP Staunton, myself and Pauline Suett Barbieri. Also present will be Marita Wild plus an exciting list of entertaining local poets.”
The new venue for the salon is The Verdict in Edward Street and the owner Roxanne is kindly sponsoring the first event which means that entry is free. There will of course be a bar and refreshments available.
Jilliana’s Spoken Word Salon 3 March 7pm, free
The Verdict, 159 Edward Street BN2 0JB
Facebook: Jilliana’s Spoken Word Salon