But design is still a major part of his life and as well as designing sets and graphics for Latest he paints, draws and from time to time undertakes work for friends. Recently for Brighton Theatre’s play Cocky And The Tardigrades written by Richard Crane and directed by Faynia Williams and for Julie Burchill’s new play with music Hard Times On Easy Street.

Both pieces of work have now been short-listed for the Brighton Fringe and Gemini Design for Print Awards.
Andrew says – “Working with Faynia and Richard has been a delight, they are amazingly trusting as clients and responded so quickly and positively to my concepts that the job was a joy. Hard Times on Easy Street was equally exciting as it reminded me of how much I enjoy the vibrant imagery and gently seedy world of nightclubs. Working with clients that are truly collaborative is always the best of experiences.”
He is genuinely delighted to have been short-listed but also expresses a real passion for creative partnerships. Voting for the awards is open to the public in conjunction with a panel of judges and if you would like to vote you can do so by going to https://brightonfringe.gemini-print.co.uk/