Inheritance is back for a Summer Edition!

Brought to you by our friends at NVTV, Inheritance is an international environmental festival that showcases the work of independent filmmakers from all corners of the world. 

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Catch it at 6pm from Monday 15th to Sunday 21st July, with repeats the following weeks:

Monday 15th & 22nd

Carrying Wood by Linda Schirmer
8:45, Ireland
A short, experimental dance film that reflects on our connection and dependence upon resources drawn from rural geographies.

Thatch to the Future! by Nicolas Neuhold
7:57, Luxembourg
When participants at a climate conference in the year 2033 can’t agree on anything, head negotiator GERTA (not Greta!) snaps and suggests “The only thing you could agree on is going back in time and having people THEN fix the problem”. The sarcastic outburst is accepted as a rather wonderful idea, only for Gerta to reveal that they actually have access to a time machine.

Feeling the Apocalypse by Chen Sing Yap
7:00, Canada
A psychotherapist struggling with climate anxiety explores what it means to live in a dying world.

Whirl by Anil Kurmie
9:22, Nepal
Bhagat, a returnee migrant worker in the Terai region of Nepal, wants to stay back and start vegetable farming with the government’s agricultural support schemes. Getting the actual assistance, however, proves to be far more challenging than he expects.

The Tree Climber by Marco La Gala
40:00, Italy
On the day of the village festival, a man tries to climb the tree hoisted in the centre of the square. He does not succeed. He makes a second attempt. He fails, climbs down and gives up. The people in the square murmur. The new Majo climber must be found. Two young men vie for the role.

Tuesday 16th & 23rd

Human Hair by Tsveta Lozanova & Asli Umut
6:03, UK
The world of designer Sanne Visser, whose pioneering work revolves around the utilisation of human hair as a sustainable material resource. Sanne shows you around in her London-based studio and explains the significant role human hair can play in addressing the challenges of the current climate crisis.

Coexistence by Anne-Sophie Mouraud & Lucie Francini
15:59, France
Anne-Sophie Mouraud, a French freediver passionate about sharks, takes a team of activists to encounter the blue shark, the most heavily fished shark in the world. The film raises awareness about the significant role played by the European Union in the global trade shark fin trade, and invites us to reconsider our relationship with the living world.

Cracked by Mahmut Tas
4:59, Turkey
A little girl lives in a village with her mother where water sources are dwindling by the day. The drought affects her imagination, even her doodles and drawings. But the little girl never loses hope, and tries to do as best she can, sacrificing herself for her beloved nature.

Low White Sky by Magdalena Reilly & Joseph Reilly
33:02, US
An exploration of alternatives to our current agricultural systems. The film focuses on vertical farming, permaculture and urban gardening while featuring interviews with Dr. Dickson Despommier and Tao Wimbush.

Felled by Joy Zou
4:54, Australia
A tree spirit finds that her tree has been cut down and plots revenge against the evil perpetrator.

Rockfall by Robin Lancaster Bisio
3:13, US
A paean to the fierce and majestic fauna that once roamed the coast, Rockfall features dancer Arianna Hartanov on a cold water sandstone uplift from a marine deposit over forty million years old. What rests in geological memory on the rugged formations of Lizard’s Mouth and how to stop extinction, a more pressing concern?

Wednesday 17th & 24th

The Residents of 49 by Ceara Carney
4:50, Ireland
What appears to be an overgrown urban garden is actually home to a plethora of flora and fauna. Ceara Carney takes you on a poetic journey through this densely populated residence: a haven in the midst of a biodiversity crisis.

Okmo by Lola Dubettier & Romain Perset
12:30, France
Once upon a time, a boy was born from a tree. Etan wanted to become a tree himself, like his father, but it was impossible. With his friend, the fairy Lavy, he embarks on a journey of initiation to find his own heart.

In a Time of Peace by 4ºA EB1Pe R. D. Dias
3:00. Portugal
In a not very distant country, the drama of war is experienced by a family, on their journey in search of peace. An animation made by schoolchildren.

Save Gota de Leche by Ángel Fregosi
50:00, Chile
During the social outbreak of 2019, residents of the El Tabo commune decided to protect one of the last natural treasures of the V region, the Gota de Leche dune field. To preserve this place, the organized community created a citizen movement that in 2020 requested the Chilean Ministry of the Environment to create a new Nature Sanctuary. However, the efforts and dreams of the movement confront the real estate interests of the land owners, in addition to the passive complicity of local authorities. Almost four years after the beginning of the process, the destruction continues and the fight goes on.

Thursday 18th & 25th

Climbing through Cultures with Siekoya Remolino by Rebecca Louise Tough & Mathew Robert Anderson
22:10, UK
In September 2023 the Big Canopy Campout team, a collection of arborists, herbalists and videographers, travelled to Ecuador and met with an organisation of young indigenous Siekopai forest defenders. Combining modern arboriculture skills with indigenous knowledge and values, they work together to avoid ancestral Siekopai land succumbing to destruction and fragmentation caused by exploitative industries that threaten their existence.

Black Sand by Sohan Roy
21:31, India
Once known for its scenic beauty, the coastal region of Alappad in Kerala is now a graveyard. The raging sea and black sand mining on the coast have engulfed half of the inhabitants’ land and houses. This documentary narrates the shocking reality of the lives of the people living there.

Ruins by Karim Lazaar
4:10, France
“Ruins” echoes the lament of a world ravaged by human activities. Set against a haunting and dystopian backdrop, the video unfolds as an artistic narrative that aims to serve as a poignant commentary on the aftermath of industrialization and the unchecked disposal of toxic waste.

The Forest of the Honey Bees by Erwan Le Gal
20:00, France
Isabelle is a violinist-beekeeper in the Ouessant island. She protect her bees and inspires her daughter with stories and legend about honey bees….

Friday 19th & 26th

Sandcastle – The Secret Life Of Potter Wasps by Roman Willi
12:12, UK
Join a courageous potter wasp on an enthralling journey! Witness this fascinating insect’s tenacity and perseverance as it navigates its dangerous realm teeming with challenges and predators.

Hook by Yasir Al Aasam
7:41, Iraq
Muhannad is a professional hunter, but he is a hunter of another kind! He inherited this profession from his father, in this gloomy city, where many wars took place, especially near this deep river.

Birdman by Simon O’Neill
7:51, Ireland
Nature is all around us. Sometimes, you just have to reach out and touch it. Erithacus rubecula, or the humble Robin Redbreast as it is more commonly known, is a friendly, inquisitive, territorial bird, familiar to many Irish homes. The Robin is possibly the most easily identifiable Irish garden bird. Robins have a personality and demeanour all of their own. Hugh O’Neill has a symbiotic relationship with the one that patrols his garden, and a love of birds in general, that is shared by many Irish people.

Eat Eat Eat by Malvika Mohan & Maria Sharon Paul
4:00, India
Questioning our food choices and the politics surrounding it.

Chasing Horizons by Sergio Penzo
29:55, Spain
Chasing Horizons follows the remarkable journey of waterwoman Olivia Piana. In this extraordinary feat, Olivia conquers a new world record by navigating from Peniche to Sagres in Portugal. Film is more than just a tale of record­-breaking; it’s a heartfelt call to action, urging us to safeguard coastal ecosystems and an inspiration to transcend our limits and make a lasting impact.

Friendship Bonds by Children from 6 E.B. OVAR
9:55, Portugal
Once upon a time, there was a tree that loved a little girl, and a little girl who loved it very much. An animation made by schoolchildren.

Saturday 20th & 27th

Growing in Bosco’s Boots by Shane Hatton
30:00, Ireland
After the passing of Shane’s brother, Bosco, he and his family set out to fulfil a dream they had shared. Over 4 years they turn an empty field into a self-sufficient permaculture paradise garden/farm, selling fresh produce to their community.

Last Seedling by Mert İnan
5:00, Turkey
With the onset of drought and water scarcity, a mother and her daughter set out with the hope of reaching a center established by the government. However, their car breaks down, and they are forced to continue their journey on foot. The mother carefully manages the last water source in their possession to sustain both her and her daughter’s lives. However, things take a turn for the worse when the water spills from their bag. The mother records this desperate journey with a camera, narrating their experiences and efforts.

Cuban Bees: the Organic Revolution by Daniesky Acosta, Hugo Rivalta
19:00, Cuba
Cuban beekeepers are committed to organic and sustainable apiculture, avoiding chemical contaminants. In this documentary, Laura Rivalta takes viewers on a journey through Havana to hear from beekeepers and farmers about Cuba’s unique beekeeping practices. Emma Shannon, who researched Cuban apiculture at the University of Glasgow, compares the Cuban experience with the challenges faced by bees in Scotland and elsewhere. Through the exploration of Cuba’s beekeeping traditions, this documentary sheds light on the island’s sustainable apiculture.

Heart Of The Osa by Matteo Clarke, Roman Willi
13:25, UK
A story about how different NGOs are making a difference fighting for wildlife in the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica, one of the most biodiverse places on earth. If they work together, they can achieve great feats.

Choked by James Bennett
04:35, UK
A poetic look at the plight of human pollution affecting the world’s oceans.

Sunday 21st & 28th

The Birdwatchers by Thomas Winward
13:41, UK
What does it mean to be a birdwatcher? Four women challenge the stereotype and share their love, passion, and fears in the world of birding.

A Tree Once Grew Here by Johnnie Semerad
6:59, US
A combination of captivating visuals, animation, and imagery, to tell a tale that transcends language. We are reminded that we must rebalance harmony and nurture our planet; because we can no longer afford not to.

The Swallowing Sea by Afif Fahmi
13:00, Indonesia
After 11 years, Arga, a documentary filmmaker, returns to his submerged childhood village for a pilgrimage to his grandmother’s grave.

Nanis’ Kitchen by Meera Ralhan
3:55, US
Wanting to pass on their traditional way of cooking, two grandmothers teach their granddaughter, Nimbu, how to make different Indian dishes.

Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests by Dan Herz
22:38, US
When a large, ecologically sensitive legacy forest in the heart of the Elwha River Watershed was identified for harvest, the Earth Law Center, Keystone Species Alliance, and Center for Whale Research began using all legal means possible against the Washington State Department of Natural Resources in an attempt to halt the impending clear-cut. Through breathtaking cinematography and intimate interviews, witness the profound beauty and ecological significance of the watershed, as well as the dire consequences of unchecked deforestation.

Nuunzaya by Lan Wang
7:37, China
An animated short film centering around the dilemma faced by generations of Mongolian women – their struggle against harsh environments, and the conflicts between their nomadic lifestyle and traditional marital constructs.

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