Brighton and Hove comedian steps up pressure in phone hacking scandal

Actor and comedian Steve Coogan has forced private detective Glenn Mulcaire to reveal which News of the World reporter or reporters ordered his phone to be hacked.

Mr Mulcaire’s lawyer handed over the details to Brighton and Hove based Mr Coogan to comply wIth a court order.

At this stage though Mr Coogan will not be making the names public as Mr Mulcaire intends to seek a separate court order preventing their release.

Mr Mulcaire was jailed for six months in 2007 for his part in the phone hacking scandal.

At the time, News International, the publisher of the News of the World said that hacking was limited to one rogue reporter, royal editor Clive Goodman. He was jailed for four months.

Recent revelations suggest more staff were involved as a growing number of people take legal action against News International.

The Metropolitan Police have arrested 14 people since reopening the inquiry into phone hacking.

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