Can Love Conquer All….And Queen?

Tasha Dhanraj wonders if opposites attract

Andy and I have hit a definite stumbling block in our relationship. Having dated him for a year, I foolishly assumed that I know everything about him. Whenever a new fact arises, it’s a surprise to me. I remember the first few months when I always wanted to take a notebook to our dates just so I could jot down everything he said, because there was so much to take in. Now, me learning new things about Andy is a bit like a slug slowly sliding along some gravel and every so often coming across a bit of lettuce that had accidentally fallen out of someone’s kebab as they staggered home from a drunken night out.

The recent facts I’ve learnt about him have left an unpleasant taste in my mouth. The first fact is that he would rather have a coffee and walnut cake than a chocolate cake at his wedding. It’s as if someone had found my wedding book that I’ve been keeping since I was eight and torn out the catering page and screwed it up right in front of me. We talked about it. There were some words said that I now regret. Eventually we came to an agreement that we would have a two-tiered wedding cake. It’s a good solution, but every time we pass a bakery I feel a slight pulling at my heart.

“The recent facts I’ve learnt about him have left an unpleasant taste”

The second fact arose last night. We were sitting in my room, watching Beyonce on MTV and discussing music and he admitted something shocking… he doesn’t like Queen. I quote: “I think they’re just overrated and bla.” Most sane people would admit that this is quite ludicrous but could possibly let it slide. But we’ve been dating for a year. He has been to my house many, many times. On my ceiling there is a poster of Queen. On my wall are two original paintings of Freddie Mercury. We’ve confessed our love to each other in between these walls and under that ceiling. It felt like a betrayal. All this time he’d never said a word. Why now? Why not earlier in our relationship when I wasn’t so emotionally invested?

My last remaining hope is that he’s actually lying to me…Maybe this is some kind of test. Maybe Andy is just seeing whether I’ll stay with him despite these disgusting parts of him…If that is the case then it is a very risky move on his part. One more of these painful revelations and he’s getting the boot.

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