Ruby Grimshaw gets ready for India

In a few days I will be off to Rajasthan, with 28 others, on my sixth challenge ride for the Brooke Hospital for Animals – ‘healthy working animals for the world’s poorest communities’. It will be a joy to exchange the cold weather for the sun and 25°C.

Packing for India is about the same as packing for Borneo without the instructions on how to avoid the unwelcome attentions of amorous male orangutans. We have been given a lot of advice on how to behave around horses and how to ride with the safety and comfort of everybody else on the ride in mind. But since most people on these challenge rides have horses of their own or ride regularly I am hoping that these instructions will prove unnecessary.

I am not taking anti-malaria medication so I am bringing lots of industrial strength repellents. After my calamity in Indonesia, I must remember to keep the tops screwed on tightly on anything containing Deet. The gold lettering on my poor passport nearly melted away completely, and I am amazed it was not queried when I applied for my visa.

“The fake passports of some of those illegal immigrants on UK Border Force look much better than mine”

One thing I must remember to bring is a saddle saver. The saddles in India tend to be military style ones and make one appreciate how comfortable the all purpose ones which we have in the UK are. I remember when riding in India last time I piled so many blankets on top of my saddle I felt like the princess in the fairy tale story of the mattresses and the pea. Not a great image.

We are camping, which at first filled me with horror. The last time we rode in India for Brooke we stayed in those beautiful old palaces left over from the Raj, now turned into hotels. Rather dilapidated but full of nostalgia and romance. No-one can make me believe that there is anything remotely romantic about camping. It always includes rubbery smells, damp clothes, a cold nose and someone close snoring. Then I heard that we did not need to bring a sleeping bag and that all towels and bedding would be provided. Hurrah! That is the sort of camping
I can take. It also leaves more room for an extra pair of jodhs and a hair dryer. (I’m sure there will be a plug somewhere.)
For donations to Brooke (I have paid my own expenses) go to Thank you.

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