Oliver! – the consummate British musical written by Lionel Bart in 1960 – arrives at The Old Market this week, courtesy of Brighton’s very own sparkling and talented City Youth Theatre Company.
Leading this merry dance on stage, is an ensemble with exceptional feel for the optimism and cameradere amongst the squalor of Dickensian London. The inventive staging and brio of the musical arrangement fit superbly into The Old Market’s snug interior, providing an ideal platform for all the principals to excel.
Empty larder days these may well be, but the audience have dug deep and turned out in force to support a wonderfully vibrant show.
The Old Market, Hove, 17 April, runs until 21 April
Paul Clark
Last night we attended the final performance of ‘Oliver’ at the Old Market. I am now a little ashamed to admit that the only real reason we went was to see our grandaughter’s performance but what transpired was quite unbelievable…
The ENTIRE cast and production team pulled off a truly amazing show that had everyone there totally captivated and I for one will certainly looking out for future CYTC offerings, regardless of whether or not I have family performing!
It was performed to perfection and I would like to thank every single person that was involved in putting on such a magnificent offering and hope that the next is not too long a wait…