Win Top Cat goodies


In honour of this week’s release of Top Cat: The Movie 3D, we have five Top Cat goodie bags up for grabs, courtesy of Vertigo Films. Based on the much-loved Hanna-Barbera cartoon from the ’60s, TC is back as the indisputable leader of Benny the Ball, Fancy Fancy, Choo Choo, Spook and Brains.

The gang are back at war with the long arm of the law when the menacing Police Chief Strickland moves to town, ousting the bumbling Officer Dibble. Merchandise includes a tote bag, balloon, sticker, pencil case, ruler, pencil and masks. To win a goodie bag, tell us:

Q. Name one of the five members of Top Cat’s gang:

To be in with a chance to win, email
with the name of the competition in the subject box and your answer to the question in the body of the email. Alternatively, write to us at the address at the front of the magazine. Don’t forget to give your name, address and telephone number. Closing date for entries: Monday 18 June 2012.

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