Andrew Kay is getting straight to the point

A big thank you to all who sent wishes when I damaged my knee. I am pleased to report that all is now much better; I can walk again without discomfort and only have the odd twinge.

How did I do it? Well I will be honest and say that the NHS, in various guises, did little to help. The GP, when I explained that I could not get up the stairs and attend the surgery, suggested that he could fax a prescription for something to a local chemist. Well if I couldn’t get up the stairs…
A week later I was no better and getting desperate.

One afternoon, sat at my desk, I opened an email from a reader friend suggesting that I should visit her acupuncturist. As the tears fell down my cheeks I emailed him and almost immediately he called back. Somehow he sensed my agony and minutes later I was in a cab to see him.

It’s six weeks on and I have been going every week, and despite the fact that he sticks pins in me, I really look forward to my sessions. Why? Because I feel so much better.

“Despite the fact that he sticks pins in me, I really look forward to my sessions”

Ian Stevenson practises Five Element classical acupuncture, a system devised over 2,300 years ago in China. It’s different from what I expected and Ian explains, “This style of acupuncture is different from other forms of acupuncture in that it addresses the underlying root cause of illness; its effectiveness is in its curative approach rather than a symptomatic one”. Ian made no promise that his treatment would mend my knee but he did promise that he could make me feel a whole lot better in a whole range of ways.

And he has! After six weeks of amazing treatments, all of which Ian explains in detail, I am sleeping better, have better digestion, I can walk with little discomfort, I have boundless energy, my creative juices are flowing again and I am smiling a whole lot more. I am so glad that I trusted the friend and now Ian.

I would make no claim that I really understand how it has worked, I simply know that it has, and in helping me deal with a crocky old knee, Ian has helped me deal with a lot of other issues. It is a complex system that Ian explains better than I ever could, the balancing of the five elements within the body and the spirit. Five Element Acupuncture is working for me after only six weeks and I am now on less frequent ‘maintenance’ sessions. If you have any doubts then take a look online; conventional medics are now acknowledging that this works, and I for one am a believer.

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