More reflections on the Jubilee celebrations, and what they meant to you.

MORE Diamond geezers!

I think it’s disgraceful that the Diamond Jubilee celebrations failed to honour, in fact made no mention at all of, Jeanette Charles, that woman who played the queen in The Naked Gun and innumerable forgotten television sketch comedies.

People seem to forget that Ms. Charles has been tirelessly looking like the queen for half a century, enduring such indignities as having Leslie Nielson up-end her, Spike Milligan blow a raspberry at her, and Mike Myers refer to her as “Groovy, baby.” I think Jeanette Charles should be queen and the Queen should be forced to be her lookalike so she knows what it feels like.
Myrtle Pratchett, Hove

I was disgusted to see that once again the Average White Band were not included in the line-up for the Jubilee concert, particularly after this same glaring omission from both the Silver and Golden Jubilee concerts. Here’s hoping someones wises up and books AWB for the Platinum Jubilee!
Alan Gorrie (lead singer, Average White Band)

I agree with the above letter about Jeanette Charles, but I’d go one step further. I think she should be made a dame for services to looking like the Queen. Though I can imagine that the ceremony might result in some hilarious mix-ups, were it not rigorously planned and carried out.
Vera Botts, Aldrington

I could not fail to notice, from a cursory glance at the throng of millions at the riverside for the pageant on the Thames, that a good 63 per cent of the Union Flags on show were actually upside down. If these people were as truly patriotic as they claim, they would not have made such an appalling error. Might I suggest that for all future state occasions a guard be posted every 25 yards, to ensure that all flags are correctly displayed.
Col. Nicholas Overshott (Retired)

I switched to the TV Channel “Yesterday” on 5th June and was shocked and disgusted to see absolutely no coverage of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations whatsoever. Instead I was treated to old episodes of Last of the Summer Wine, The World at War, and Auf Wiedersehen Pet, none of which concerned her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I can only suggest a new controller should be brought in to take the reins at “Yesterday” – perhaps Prince Edward, who has experience with television programmes.
David Plummer, Hanover

I think it was extremely disrespectful of God to make it rain nonstop throughout the Jubilee celebrations. Whatever was He thinking? After all, our very national anthem calls upon Him to ‘save’ the Queen, not rain all over Her and Her subjects, soaking everyone to the skin and probably giving them all colds into the bargain. Come on God, pull Your finger out!
Rev. Arthur Weeks, Holy Trinity Church, Patcham

I think the problem with the weather alluded to by the previous correspondent can be put down to a simple misunderstanding. I believe that the Almighty merely mistook the word ‘reign’ as sung so lustily by the multitudes in the phrase ‘long to reign over us’ for its more common homonym. I think, given His extreme old age, He can be forgiven the odd slip!
Rev. Geoffrey Bannister, Church of All Saints, Portslade

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