28 August – 3 September 2012

ARIES {Mar 21–Apr 20}
While in pursuit of perfection, there is no place in time where you can sit back and say you’ve made it, because there’s always more to learn. You can however, accept that the road is long and you’ve already made good speed. Try not being so impatient.

TAURUS {Apr 21–May 21}
You may experience the dynamism of a highly charged passionate Mars in Scorpio, which is in your partnership zone. Partners may need to air some gripe over a previous issue, possibly surrounding betrayal. Find mutual ground and avoid ego conflict.

GEMINI {May 22–June 21}
Keeping your cool around the Full Moon could prove more difficult than usual as emotions may undermine your usual sense of logic. This passing influence will give you the opportunity to experience how deeply you really care about something.

CANCER {June 22–July 22}
You usually keep a large proportion of your inner self hidden from the world but there’s a strong current pulling you in the direction of more self expression. You are finally starting to believe in things, which were once mere idol fantasies.

LEO {July 23–Aug 22}
Admirers are gathering behind the scenes, so while they may not be making a show of it, you can be sure that you have made some deep impressions. How you manage your day to day affairs may be changing as your ambition grows and your understanding shifts.

VIRGO {Aug 23–Sep 22}
Soon after the Full Moon, which illuminates some of the more challenging aspects of your meaningful relationships, your clever ruler Mercury makes a sure move into your sign to join the sun. Your sense of timing is better and important negotiations will go well.

LIBRA {Sep 23–Oct 22}
There is no shame in relinquishing control from time to time, in order to devote a little more of your energy to your sense of peace and wellbeing. From now until your birthday, you may a lack of gusto for mundane affairs. Friends will help you relax.

SCORPIO {Oct 23–Nov 21}
You will feel strong with a clear sense of your own power and how far you can go. Doing activities which involve an investment of self and energy will go well as you have extra helpings of va-va-voom thanks to Mars. Romance blooms around the Full Moon.

SAGITTARIUS {Nov 22–Dec 20}
From the Full Moon forth you may decide that it is a good time to negotiate a more prominent position within the work place. While there may be a sense of foreboding or inner confusion, it does not have to hold you back from real concrete achievement.

CAPRICORN {Dec 21–Jan 19}
Friends play an important part in providing stimulus; it may not always be the most welcome of brand, as their combativeness could trigger your competitive spirit. Don’t take anything to heart, besides, in usual Capricorn style, you usually win.

AQUARIUS {Jan 20–Feb 19}
Avoid deluding yourself over personal finances; with Neptune blowing a fine mist over the future, you can’t accurately assess your situation unless you are prepared to be ruthlessly realistic with yourself. You can however plan ahead and gather your fruit.

PISCES {Feb 20–Mar 20}
There’s more to think and talk about in love. The Full Moon insists you look deeper into your own motivations and accept that you may not have all the answers yet.

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