Matt Whistler’s meeting is a circus

Business presentations need focus, I will tell you. I attended the “Footsie Index throwing-balloons-up-in-the-air-while-hot-desking-several-pilfered-alphabet-stencils AGM” this week.

The projections were economic, procedural, regulatory, and could obstruct or cause restrictions on trampolines with diving boards. My flip chart went unnoticed and yet several pointers seemed to create a fevered response. There was lots of horse play at the meeting, and the audience were whiskey drinkers as they had red noses. I couldn’t understand why the porter had a red jacket on with a tall hat and constantly felt the need to talk over me.

Ergonomically speaking it didn’t make sense to have a girl swinging on a rope as an electric fan. I tried to negotiate a different location to discuss stats and was abruptly threatened with a Darth Vader hat. The insolence! If that wasn’t enough the lights went up and a presentation regarding transportation issues with three motor bikers in a small metal cage once again interrupted my flow chart. It’s a good job I didn’t accidentally walk into Zippo’s Circus that day. Imagine how I might have reacted then…

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