Julie Hayward soothes her system

At long last, we’re experiencing a thaw from the ice and snow but as usual the media love to whip up our daily dollop of doom and gloom. On switching the radio on this morning to listen to what the elements had in store for us, I heard that Britain now faces flooding due to all the melting white stuff. Can the weather forecast never be given a positive slant? Goodness knows we could do with it, but no, the weather’s always made to sound like the end is nigh.

It’s hardly surprising with our fun packed weather that apparently, according again to the media, that some illegal immigrants to this country, are paying £1,500 to be taken somewhere else as things are so bad here, the weather, lack of jobs and a general air of us all sliding down the pan. I wish I had a spare £1,500 to be escorted to pastures new, preferabably somewhere warm.

The weather’s always made to sound like the end is nigh

I have some good news and some bad news – the good news is that I have a regular follower of my blog. An old school friend, in more than way, she’s 10 months older than me and I never tire of reminding her of that fact, (let’s face it, when one becomes a woman of a certain age, every minute counts). She text me to say that she read last week’s blog without any prompting from me. By ‘prompting’ she means me having to nag, bully and beg her to read it. I was extremely pleased that I had worn down her resistance to the blog, as one of her favourite columnists, and mine (not  that of course I am a columnist, that’s just wishful thinking), is Tim Dowling who writes for The Guardian. I’m trying to model myself on him, as a sort of female version of Tim, but I lack his subject matter (and talent), he writes extensively about his family, but I don’t have a wife, three sons and two dogs, so I have to look elsewhere for my writing material.

I may not have any dogs, but I have acquired a pet, albeit an unwanted one. It’s similar to a parrot because it repeats itself and it’s forced me to review my diet big time which can’t be a bad thing. What I don’t know about alkaline foods versus acidic foods isn’t worth knowing, for example, limes, lemons and grapefruits are alkaline (once digested) but oranges are acidic. Chicken’s easier to digest than red meat, and all green vegetable are alkaline. Don’t you think those facts are amazing and my blog more so, because not only do you get to read the ramblings of my mind – Sue, I hope you’re  still awake, but it’s educational too. What more could one want?  Oh by the way, all dairy products are acidic too, you read it here.

To put you out of your suspense,  my pet is a Hiatius Hernia and it drives me to distraction with it’s repeating. When I discovered I had Herny, my pet name for it, I went into denial. Thankfully it could have been a much worse dignosis but it makes me feel old, isn’t it an older person’s condition? Apparently not, young people can get them too, so be warned. If I go for more an hour without repeating, (a polite way of saying burping), I’m a happy woman. I know there’s no cure for Herny but I am on a mission to keep it under control and am fast becoming an expert on digestive aids.  I never thought I would see the day when my idea of bliss was a couple of spoons of Gaviscon and I never leave home without a supply of Rennies.

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