Facebook, family and an ex by Julie Hayward

I’m still doing an uphill battle with my hiatius hernia and I am now, worryingly, getting burning pains in my oesophagus despite trying everything I can think of to reduce the reflux problem. If anyone has any useful tips on hernia management I would be most grateful.

It’s all happening in the Archer’s, Tom’s surprised Brenda with tickets to a concert but Brenda prefers to spend the evening with Vicky, Bethany and a steamy bathroom. I feel sorry for Tom, he seems to be making a real effort and hadn’t mentioned ready meals or sausages for at least 5 minutes into that episode. Elizabeth is about to embark on an affair you mark my words, with Ifteka, her children’s tutor and Alice is desperately trying to broach the topic of her job offer, to Chris, who is doing  his upmost to avoid the subjectt. Emma is doing her best to brainwash Chris about the importance of families sticking together, and Jennifer has told Alice point blank that she can’t go to Canada, end of story.

Sometimes Facebook has its uses as we all know, for unearthing one’s long lost history, as an ex has risen like a phoenix from the flames of my murky past, an old flame,  who I went out with 30 years ago. It’s scary, it makes me feel so old. He now has five children ranging from 3 – 25. Obviously he has been productive, excuse the pun, since we parted. He has an amazing memory for the smallest detail, including where I used to live, my birthday an event we had on a train, and no it’s not what you think, but an issue over a ticket. But interestingly, not for the one incident that I remember, which was that he was two- timing me and I found out and that is why I ended the relationship.

My daughter discovered her long lost Swedish half brother on Facebook yesterday, whom she has never met!  That almost beats my 30 year gap with the ex.  I can’t wait to log on tomorrow and see who I meet.

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