Horoscopes: 3 – 9 December 2013

ARIES {Mar 21–Apr 20}
Morbid thoughts cannot weigh down your visionary zest for life. Finding a way to truly push the boundaries of perception will help you unlock your great potential. Projects started may have long term effects, while love helps you get ahead.

TAURUS {Apr 21–May 21}
The gates to the palace of other people money may open up to you and if you’re business savvy, it will likely prove to be an interesting week. You’re very good at spending but if you really want to expand your horizons, you have to look beyond the limits of what you already know.

GEMINI {May 22–June 21}
Clever salesman don’t tell you about themselves, they find out all about you. It’s true that sometimes it’s the ones who do all the listening that get listened to the most. Apply this principle to all your endeavours and you will turn a ‘no’ into a very willing ‘yes!’

CANCER {June 22–July 22}
Making a really big impression might not be where it’s at right now because what’s required is rather more studious, labour intensive and crucial. You can transform your sense of strong identity into a meaningful purpose now.

LEO {July 23–Aug 22}
Your creativity can find a good outlet pushing you into the limelight and in many ways being the most enjoyable time of the year. Romance is re-ignited, as that hard to impress someone, who always has a special twinkle in their eye for you, may not be able to resist stepping up to the play.

VIRGO {Aug 23–Sep 22}
You’ve got more friends than the Beatles during the “All You Need Is Love” tour – and yet you’re only paying real attention to one. Romance is hard to ignore but so is everything else! Relax, neither love nor lust are leaving you anytime soon.

LIBRA {Sep 23–Oct 22}
You’re going to break through the veil that seems to separate all that is internal and all that is external. The two never were mutually exclusive, but now you are ready to make things happen with outstanding brilliance and a strong will.

SCORPIO {Oct 23–Nov 21}
You’ve got the world at your feet, isn’t it wonderful? You always could read people like the back of your hand, somehow saying and being the right kind of charming. With the current power you possess there will be no match equal to you, so try and play fair.

SAGITTARIUS {Nov 22–Dec 20}
Welcome to the all new, the one, the only, Archer of the 21st century. He’s cool, she’s hot and everyone wants a piece of the re-invented, sexier than ever Sagittarius! Well, nearly everyone. Don’t argue with the boss, no matter how wrong they are, you’re bound to offend.

CAPRICORN {Dec 21–Jan 19}
Saying yes to social invitations gets you out and more importantly reveals camaraderie between friends. With competitive Mars getting along well with wordsmith Mercury, it is likely you can have a whole series of very motivating,
ideas based discussions, which could change your life.

AQUARIUS {Jan 20–Feb 19}
Yes you are over duty bound, perhaps it’s not the most fun you have ever had in your life. Although you are learning a great deal, not just about your craft and about the world,
but about your place in it. Don’t rush to finish everything.

PISCES {Feb 20–Mar 20}
Three cheers for the most interesting sign of the zodiac. What spell will you cast today? Whom shall be the subject of your winning affections this week? Perhaps someone needs you right now, not to be soft but to give them a run for their money!

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