Latest News: Brighton & Hove City Council leader Jason Kitcat on plans for the year ahead

The last year has seen many significant achievements for the council and the city. In the summer we had record GCSE results and were also accredited as the world’s first ‘One Planet City’ in recognition of our work to become more sustainable. More recently we signed the Greater Brighton City Deal, which will see huge amounts of economic investment in the region and closer working with our neighbours, with whom we share residents, businesses and visitors.

These and many more are outlined in the council’s recently-refreshed ‘Corporate Plan’, which sets out the council’s purpose, ambition and priorities as an organisation. In 2014-15 we will continue to focus on our four main priorities: tackling inequality, creating a more sustainable city, engaging the people who and work in the city, and modernising the council.

Among our specific proposals are commitments to work with private landlords and the universities to improve standards of properties in the city and to establish an ethical lettings agency. We will also develop our libraries as community hubs, introducing new IT facilities, toys for children and study space. We will continue to look for ways to manage and conserve our open spaces so that their heritage, wildlife and use by local people can be protected. And we must use digital technology more to improve our services – both in terms of making them more accessible to our digitally-minded residents, but also in making sure our internal processes are more efficient.

The ongoing challenges of government cuts to our funding and growing service demand means that business as usual simply isn’t an option. We need to show our commitment to openness by sharing resources and expertise with our partners like the NHS and the police. Ultimately working together and working differently will be the only ways that we will be able to meet the challenges ahead.

I invite you to read the council’s plan for the year ahead at

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