Competitions: Win a place at The Outdoors Project After School Club

The Outdoors Project is an after school club for kids, but one with a difference. The idea is to get them running around in the fresh air, engaging with nature and having adventures. They’ll typically play games like dodge ball, tag and hide and seek – as well as doing activities like bug hunts, mud modelling and learning bush craft survival skills.

The clubs encourage kids to get fit and active (by making it fun, so they don’t notice they’re doing exercise), at the same time as helping them think in terms of supporting each other and being resourceful. All clubs take place in the open air, often in Hove Park, St Anne’s Well Gardens and Preston Park, with an emphasis on keeping things accessible.

The idea was conceived when founder, Joel Evans, started running birthday parties for friends’ children two years ago. Now it’s been voted the “best after school club for 5–12 year olds” in the whole of the UK, in a national competition voted for by 90,000 parents and carers. More information can be found at

We can offer a free place at one of the summer clubs (at a Brighton venue of your choice) to whoever can answer the following question:

Project founder, Joel Evans, spent most of his childhood outdoors in which country?

To be in with a chance to win, email with the name of the competition in the subject box and your answer to the question in the body of the email. Alternatively, write to us at the address at the front of the magazine. Don’t forget to give your name, address and telephone number.
Closing date for entries: Monday 4 August 2014.

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