Stage: Stones in his pockets

Stephen Jones - Stones in His Pockets

Stones In His Pockets is the revival of a multi-award winning comedy by playwright Marie Jones, and is coming to Theatre Royal Brighton on 14 September.

The play will embark upon a nationwide tour with original director Ian McElhinney – now starring in the critically acclaimed Game of Thrones – at the helm. The play stars talented actors Conor Delaney and Stephen Jones, who are well known faces to many from various roles on BBC television.

Following its Tony Award nominated run on Broadway, four and a half years in the West End and on tour, the worldwide success, Stones In His Pockets, is on the road and playing over 60 dates across the UK this autumn.

Seen by more than two million people, the play tells the hilarious and moving tale of a quiet Irish community in the rural town of County Kerry, turned upside down by the arrival of a massive Hollywood movie shoot. The story centers on characters Charlie Conlon and Jake Quinn, who, like much of the town, are employed as extras for the filming. The drama hits high when a local teenager commits suicide by drowning himself, with stones in his pockets, after he’s humiliated by one of the film stars from out of town.

The tender story is brought to life by actors Conor Delaney (Game of Thrones, Jack Taylor, The Tudors) and Stephen Jones (Amber, Ripper Street) who play all 15 characters between them – from the cheeky Irish lads intent on stardom, to a Hollywood Goddess, often switching gender and voice with swift dexterity and the very bare minimum of costume changes!

Accompanied by clever and simple set design, the script and considerate performances speak for themselves.

Marie Jones is an award-winning Irish writer whose other credits include Women on the Verge of HRT, A Night in November, Dancing Shoes and Fly Me to the Moon. Marie also works as an actor, and played Sarah Conlon in the Jim Sheridan film In The Name of the Father. 

The Evening Standard has described the play as “deliciously eloquent, a beautifully crafted tragi-comedy,” and the Daily Telegraph called it “an unstoppable word-of-mouth hit.”

Stones In His Pockets is currently in rehearsal and comes to Theatre Royal Brighton on Sunday 14 September 2014

Show begins 7.45pm

For tickets, call 0844 871 7650 or visit:

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