Hundreds flock to The Argus’ EU referendum debate

The EU referendum is just two weeks away.

But which way will you sway?

Last night leading members of the in and out campaigns gathered at a special debate organised by The Argus newspaper.

Latest TV’s Mhairi Beveridge reports….


  1. Myra Knight says:

    Why would anyone wish to stay in a corrupt Brussels (read German) dominated EU? EU is imploding. Other EU countries are getting restless about their membership. There is hatred being stirred up all over Europe re the ceaseless immigration. Where is it all going to end? If we do not get out we will be embroiled in the fall of the EU which is going to come whichever way you look at it. Our money is going into those countries like Greece who cannot sustain the austerity imposed on them. The euro was the worst thing to ever happen and is causing economic gloom. We need to get out.

  2. The question for me is how do we control this mass immigration ,make our boarders secure ,make our own laws that ,the EU cannot overrule and stay in the EU ,
    The EU will not reform ,it does not listen to its citizen ,
    So my vote is out

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