You’re fired!

I normally err on the side of thinking that there must be some good in people. You know what I mean, surely that person cannot be all bad. Not any more.
Over the last few weeks, as the future of our country and the way it is run unfolds, I have never been more disappointed in human nature. What an extraordinary bunch of self serving, bigoted and back stabbing creatures politicians seem to be. How do they sleep at night?Screen-Shot-2016-07-13-at-10.41
Okay, I am sure that there are some who still have principles based on creating a better world, but where are they and why are they not making themselves heard? Right now all we see and hear are tales of deceit and intrigue, lies and backtracking, backstabbing and front stabbing too for that matter.
And who do you support? Do you have any faith in any of them or indeed any of the political parties that they supposedly belong to? I simply have no idea beyond knowing that I dislike most of them, dislike their behaviour, their lies and their arrogance.

I’ve always been a socialist, working class background and all that, but now what is socialism and what in fact is the Labour Party? That is such a mess that it’s hard to offer my allegiance. The Tories, well equally messy and lacking in appeal for me.
As for the rest? No, sorry, nothing cohesive or appealing about them either. Perhaps this is the end of party politics. Maybe in the future we vote for ideas and for people that we believe will support those ideas, without being weighed down by towing a party line. Maybe it’s time to look at who runs our lives and consider whether we want it run by career politicians or by serious business professionals. Imagine if parliament were run by people who knew how to make things work, perhaps by people like Lord Sugar. I reckon it wouldn’t be long before he was wagging his finger at the current set of scoundrels and saying “You’re fired!”.

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