Have you ever been to an ambient concert? Julianna Barwick’s gig is a good place to start

An ambient gig gives you something very different to a traditional pop or rock gig, where you can expect more expansive, elongated melodies as opposed to a flamboyant stage persona or obviously technical musicianship. This might sound like anathema to some but anyone wanting to try something different should read on.JB054

Julianna Barwick can be difficult to classify as indie, pop or ambient, but the distinction doesn’t really matter very much: I’d describe her as ambient personally. Pitchfork have praised the consistent loveliness of Barwick’s approach, which is certainly an apt description, but the term can perhaps serve to simplify the compositional delicacy of great ambient music.

Barwick is touring recently released album ‘Will’, it’s been well received and it certainly makes for an enthralling listen. ‘Nebula’ features softly pulsating synth/keyboard/horn playing that is warm and enveloping, while opener ‘St. Apolonia’ sets the tone with multitracked super-panned stereo vocals that go woozier or clearer at different parts. Fans of Barwick’s earlier work will find much to love in the new album, which also features some Nils Frahm-like piano plonking in ‘Beached’, while other tracks are more upbeat such as the propulsive, almost post-rock ‘See, Know’.

Anyone who enjoyed FatCat’s New Blood 130701 concert at Brighton Festival this year, or indeed anyone who might want a hazy, hopefully moving concert to get swept up in should try out this gig. Komedia will turn into a Lost in Translation like soft focus emotional sprawl.

Julianna Barwick, Komedia, Thurs 25 August, 7.30pm, £12, www.meltingvinyl.co.uk

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