Doggy Tales: And they call it Staffy love…


Staffordshire Bull Terriers, have an undeserved, but understandable bad reputation. This is mainly due to irresponsible ownership. People often acquire Staffies as ‘status symbols’, as their strong jaws and muscular bodies make them excellent guard dogs.

However, in the wrong hands they can become incredibly aggressive. This reputation has generated a lot of negative press over the years and consequently people are now wary or even frightened of Staffs. In actual fact they are very loving, sensitive animals who make great family pets. This week meet Kerrie Knowles, who will testify to this.


“Like most people I’ll hold my hands up and admit I too had reservations about owning a Stafford, but that instantly evaporated the moment I saw my first bitch and fell in love at first sight.

“Everything they are portrayed to be couldn’t be any further from the truth. I’ve been a Stafford mum five times over and every one of them has proven to be some of my best friends. Life has thrown me some hard curve balls at times, but I can honestly say if wasn’t for the loyalty, love, companionship and endless kisses that wiped away any tears, I wouldn’t be the independent woman that I am today. They have been my rock and strength during times I’ve wanted to give up and bring me endless laughter and smiles with their goofy personalities.

“No matter what kind of day I’ve had, I can guarantee it’s going to end with a smile and lots of hugs with these guys. My house will always be a home with a stafford in it.”

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