Interview: Jason Byrne


Award-winning international comedian Jason Byrne is coming to town, loaded up with props and an eye on who might join him for a spot of audience participation. Victoria Nangle finds out more

Hello Jason, how are you today?
Not great, I just back from doing gigs in India, so my hoop, or a**e, is very busy. I’m jet lagged and I got stung by a very angry bee last night after my gig.

How big a tour bus do you need to travel with, considering how many props are involved in this show?
If I was AC/DC I’d have a tour bus, but all I have is one tour manager and a car. The props spend a lot of time on my lap, or poking me in the head as we travel.

If it broke down… could you take it all on the train? I’m imagining baggsying a double seat with a table and filling overhead space, as well as random rubber ducks hanging from bags tied on with string. Am I getting too carried away?
Yes. If the car broke down, I have a Velcro suit made for my tour manager, so we stick all the props to his body and he walks to the gig while I order a new car.

You’re renowned for your audience participation in your shows. What catches your eye to make someone seem like a good bet to get involved?
If they have a clown’s head or if they look like a slightly battered duck, that’s always a certain to be picked.

The jokes will have to queue up and be screened before they are let into the British heads

What do you miss most about home when you’re on tour – as well as your family?
I miss my daffodil Eric, he’s great for the chats, but I only really see him once a year, so when he’s not there I take to the muck… he can hear me, oh yes he cannnnnnnnnnn.

As an Irish comedian how do you think the Brexit vote might affect your future tours and work in the UK, if at all?
I won’t be able to export my jokes to the British audience as easily as before, also the jokes will have to queue up and be screened before they are let into the British heads. So a nightmare ahead for all.

You must be used to asking the questions now, rather than answering them, with your chat show Jason Byrne’s Snaptastic Show. What is the best thing you’ve ever asked anybody on your show – and what was the answer?
What’s your favourite colour? “Burple” they answered, “how’s that?” I asked, the guest said, “you have to eat skittles and burp, then spit, hey presto, Burple.”

Who would you most like to interview, alive or dead?
A dead Charlie Chaplin, I’m sure with no meat on his bones and just comical bits of hair, he’d be as physical and funny as ever.

Some fluke has meant that you’ve inherited the old burned out pier in Brighton. With money no object, what would you do with it?
I’d fit big sails to it and turn it into the maddest pirate ship ever. I’d sail around the world putting on old dances for old people who used to dance in the old dance halls when they were younger, not older… arghhhhhhhhhh samba.

You have toured all over the world. If you could construct one meal from the best bits of grub that you’ve found in all the different corners, what would it be and from where?
Chocolate from Sweden, burgers from Ireland, monkey’s heads from Tibet, Aloe Vera from Kenya, and pastry top from Dubai…
what a dish.

Finally, what’s your favourite thing about playing in Brighton & Hove?
The sheer beauty, the sound of the waves, the beautiful prom and of course, the young people racing their cars up and down the front… ahhhhh Brighton… oh and Hove!!!!

‘Jason Byrne Is Propped Up’ will be at Hove’s Old Market on 4th November. For tickets please contact the venue directly or

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