Will Writing: Helping Marlets with Will Writing Fortnight

We all know that we should have an up to date Will, so why do we keep pushing it to the bottom of the ‘to do’ list?

Well everyone’s busy and, let’s be honest, it’s not the easiest subject to think about. However, with Will Writing Fortnight starting on 8 May you’ve the perfect opportunity to get it done and dusted whilst also raising money for Martlets hospice.
Getting your Will professionally written means that you have the peace of mind that your wishes will be followed and that the people or causes you want remembered are going to be properly looked after.
If you’re a parent, cohabiting or in a civil partnership then making a Will is essential to ensuring the security of your family: without it the decisions about your estate are decided by law – which may not be what you would have wanted.
If you’re a parent, cohabiting or in a civil partnership then making a Will is essential
Having a Will in place when you die is also reassuring for your loved ones: they will know that they are doing things exactly the way you wanted, which makes it much easier for them at a difficult time.

It’s simple to organise, just choose from one of the 16 local solicitors who are kindly giving their time for free and contact them from 10th April to book a slot.
Our suggested minimum donation is £135 for a single Will and £175 for a joint Will. All proceeds will be given direct to Martlets to help us to care for people living through a terminal illness in the Brighton and Hove area.
Will Writing Fortnight gives you the chance to make a real difference to the lives of local people and their families in their time of need.
For further information contact Gary Moyle at Martlets on 01273 718778 or email gary.moyle@martlets.org.uk